
Thursday 10 August 2023

Mahi And Site

 This week i have done a lot of different things I have been on my one day of site, and i have done a day working in bee keeping. On the day on site we were doing the hard yards but it was boring because all we did was move wood from one place to another, that wasn't the funnest day ive had but we got through the day and finished the day.

Working in beekeeping is different because it was fun we went everywhere we first went out the back of Ngapipitoa to do a hive site, then went all the way to Pipiwai, and the all the way back to Kawakawa to go to Ruapekapeka rd, Then ended the day going out Karetu. All we were doing was feeding the hive because they need the boost to make more honey and not eat the honey they have made which we need. 

I have also been at school getting ready to build a van shed for the new vans we have started by marking everything out and making everything level and ready. We have had to fill in the pad with gravel so we can have the right heights we need now all we have to do is compact the gravel and do the boxing ready for concrete. This week is going well and cant wait to be counting down this week as well.